When it comes to quick and easy recipes, scrambled eggs are hard to beat. (Sorry, we couldn’t resist that whisk pun.) This nutrient-rich breakfast and brunch staple can...
Apple cider vinegar is one of those age-old remedies that has made the transition into mainstream popularity. It's been dubbed the miracle cure for hair,...
Learning how to make overnight oats helps you create an easy, delicious breakfast with lots of versatility. As Holly McKee-Clark, culinary specialist for Beachbody, puts...
If you strive to eat healthy, you may be familiar with avoiding foods that contain “empty calories.” Nutrition experts often use the term “empty calories”...
A protein bowl is a balanced meal piled into one colorful bowl. It looks so intentionally Instagram-worthy that no one would know you’re probably noshing...
Whether you’re adding more meatless meals to your weekly rotation or considering going vegan or vegetarian, plant-based eating is super popular right now. But what are your...
Tahini is a paste made from hulled sesame seeds with a velvety smooth texture. It’s commonly made into a sauce across North Africa, the Mediterranean,...
You’ve heard it before: The best diet is the one you’ll stick with the longest. That’s also a key takeaway from the most recent Dietary Guidelines for...
What’s the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt? Plain Greek yogurt is made by straining regular yogurt to remove the liquid whey, lactose, sugars, salt, and...