No fitness and weight-loss plan is complete without nutritional adjustments. But while your goal may be to get back to your pre-baby weight ASAP, the...
In not-so-breaking news: Not all calories are created equal. A serving of grilled salmon is more nutritious than a serving of fried chicken. So, if you’re trying to...
Whether you’re considering a Paleo diet to cut out processed foods, to eliminate certain food groups associated with your dietary intolerances, or to lose weight,...
“Everything in moderation” is a popular motto for many nutritionists and coaches. It sounds cool, but it’s kind of meaningless once you actually try it...
Truth time: The biggest barriers standing between you and successfully losing weight are the excuses you make that keep you from getting started. We know...
Let’s be honest: You aren’t likely to click on a snooze-inducing headline like “Eat More Vegetables and Protein, Less Fat and Sugar to Lose Weight.”...
Killing your workouts and eating healthy meals are crucial components of healthy, sustainable weight loss. But sometimes — even when it feels like you’re doing...
You tried the whole low-carb weight-loss strategy and — let us guess — it sucked. You felt exhausted, your workout performances suffered, and you dreamed...
Picky eaters, you know who you are: You’re that kid who had “Mommie Dearest”-level standoffs over everything from “this tastes gross/weird/wet” to “omg, the green...